425 words
2 minutes
Ambassador Program: Phase one!

Once the application form is filled, what to expect?#

Your application will be evaluated by CIAN’s team ( 5–10 days )

  • After reviewing your application form, we will send you a response via email. If you are selected, you will earn the “Guardian” role in Discord. Every ambassador that participates in community events and/or freely contributes to the project will earn points, which will be distributed through the Discord Community Bot.
  • Every ambassador will be responsible to share their work/contribution in the #Ambassador channel to earn Ambassador points.

Get to know CIAN, start creating valuable contents and stay alert for upcoming tasks.

  • Special tasks will be available in the Ambassador Announcements and Recommended Tasks Channel: #Tasks Channel. Please note that all contributions are voluntary.
  • We offer retroactive community rewards for ambassadors with the introduction of points bots: #points-bot
  • The #general channel will remain the main place for ambassadors to ask questions, chat together, help newcomers and spread positivity and knowledge.

How do I earn points?#

  1. Activities

    These activities will take place on a weekly/monthly basis. The objectives may vary from week to week, ranging from: Referral contest, Meme contest, Partnership events, etc…

    Activity rewards can be uniform for each participant or based on quality/performance depending on the event.

  2. Contributions

  • Create educational contents relevant to CIAN based on your abilities and knowledge. (Article, Video, Thread, etc…)
  • Refer new users to CIAN’s community & APP
  • Promote CIAN in any relevant platform/community by sharing professional feedback and/or content (Twitter, Reddit, Telegram communities, etc…)
  • Provide valuable feedback to CIAN’s team and share your experience with other users.
  • Help answer questions and concerns. If an ambassador becomes familiar enough with the product, he may apply to become an official Moderator.
  • Report important mentions, articles, bugs, and critiques to CIAN’s core team.
  • Join the marketing efforts! Help promote Cian’s content on Twitter (like, retweet & write authentic comments)
  • Participate in exchanges in any of the Discord’s channels and share your thoughts.
  • Participate in games and other activities.

The point system goes as follow:

Please note that points are subject to change

Code of conduct#

  • First and foremost, respect is a must. Absolutely no harassment, sexism, racism, or hate speech will be tolerated.
  • We will carefully check contents posted by participants and will eliminate cheaters. CIAN rather have no followers than fake ones! The use of bots won’t be tolerated.
  • Don’t use multiple accounts. If a participant impersonates multiple ambassador accounts, his title would automatically be removed.
  • No points will be given to ambassadors spamming messages such as: “gm, hello, hi, lfg”. Only valuable comments & messages will be counted.
  • Ambassadors that remain inactive for an extended period of time could see their title revoked. That being said, they would still keep their points.
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